How to Easily Show Remote Work On Your Resume

So, you should mention the remote location in the resume.In this article, we will discuss how to show remote location on a resume. However, you could also mix in skills related to working remotely too or hint you can handle a remote job. Think of areas you succeed in like detail oriented, highly organized, strong time management, etc. And even sprinkle in software you are familiar with that is related to remote work like Zoom, Slack, Teams, Trello, etc. If you are applying for a remote position or if you have gained significant experience working remotely, you can mention it in your professional summary.

should i put remote on my resume

A neat, well-designed resume will keep the hiring manager reading the document whereas a cluttered one is likely to be put aside. Use distinctive section headers, add colors sparingly, and consider using graphics or charts if you want to show off some accomplishments. On the one hand, the resume has to clearly portray your contribution and accomplishments in your niche.

What to do if you’re looking for remote work

Putting remote work on a resume is an important part of self-branding, but listing every job you’ve ever had is just a time-waster for both you and the recruiter. While a one-page resume is ideal, don’t be scared to extend the length if you have five years of experience or more. A final way to make your resume more effective for remote job opportunities is to proofread and edit it carefully before sending it.

  • And even sprinkle in software you are familiar with that is related to remote work like Zoom, Slack, Teams, Trello, etc.
  • It’s important to understand what skills are required and what’s needed to get the job done.
  • Also, there will be no for them to go through each job posting to verify it was remote.
  • While a one-page resume is ideal, don’t be scared to extend the length if you have five years of experience or more.

On the flipside, you may have a highly technical job where it’s common to expand upon experience in your resume. Or perhaps you have held a position at one company for a long period of time. In cases like these, you may want to include more bullet points to touch on important experiences. Tailored toward digital nomads, Working Nomads has a wide selection of remote jobs spanning finance, tech, marketing, management, development and more. You can mention the remote location in the work experience section.

Organizational Skills

First, it’s important to find a good place in your resume to mention your remote work in a way that makes sense and goes smoothly with your other experiences. Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash Resumes are essential in job searching, and only a job seeker who has sent out hundreds of these documents will know how utterly complicated it is to write. There are basic rules of writing, and each of these is there to improve the chances of your application being approved…. Remote contractors and employees need to show their work samples. Whether you’re a copywriter or graphics, you need an online portfolio that includes your best works.

Answer honestly, but make sure to present yourself as a reliable employee. You may want to point out that you feel more productive or motivated at home. Perhaps you believe the absence of geographical limitations enhances your creativity. Whatever the reason, tie it back to why you’ll be the best fit for the job. Data reflects analysis made on over 1M resume profiles and examples over the last 2 years from The author of this article has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and has been working for a couple of years in a remote environment.

Summary paragraph

As most hiring managers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sort through candidates, you need a strong resume file to stand out and impress potential employers. Use a sturdy bio & resume builder and, focus on layout format, how to list remote work on resume keywords, and aim to step into the shoes of recruiters. • Use sites that specifically look for remote employees
Websites like, and specialize in posting remote and freelancing jobs.

Overemployment is here: Nearly half of workers have more than one full-time job – Fortune

Overemployment is here: Nearly half of workers have more than one full-time job.

Posted: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Your professional summary should always be tailored to the position you want to land. If you’re going for a remote job and have prior experience telecommuting, highlight it in your summary. When working remotely, it is integral that you can collaborate with your teammates despite the physical distance between you. To demonstrate this on a resume, it is important to showcase the experience you have with different collaboration software. Employers may be willing to hire remote workers, but they won’t be doing it for your benefit.

When listing remote work on a resume, avoid using a passive voice and add action words instead. Specific statements are more compelling to read and leave less room for confusion. Led a team of graphic designers and writers to turn marketing ideas into strategic and creative print and digital content for the magazine from a home office. By changing your locations, employers will see that your setting doesn’t get in the way of your performance. This makes your resume more interesting and can lead to an interview. In this guest post, Moira Perez, a writer, traveler, and content specialist at ResumeGuy, discusses the importance of listing remote work on a resume and how to do it successfully.

  • By doing so, you subtly hint that your location shouldn’t be the problem for the prospective employer since you excel while working from the home office.
  • Send the resume to us, and we’ll point out its strengths and shortcomings, so that you knew for sure what to improve on a resume to land a remote job faster.
  • Here are some ideas to give your resume a quick remote work makeover.
  • With more positions becoming hybrid or fully remote, it’s worth learning how to effectively showcase remote work on your resume.
  • Save time and find higher-quality jobs than on other sites, guaranteed.
  • You can title it ‘Remote Work Experience’ and add all your relevant significant achievements there.

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